Welcome to my Website!

What's up, guys? This is Rico here from Club Penguin Rewritten. This is my old school blog because I prefer geocities over Wordpress anyday. Hope you guys like it and make sure to follow me on YouTube and Twitter. My latest post is down below. So make sure to see that.

New Unlockable Item Available Right Now for July 2017!

The latest unlockable item on CPR is now available! When you enter SUMMERLEI, you can get a colorful lei in spirit of this month's water party which ends August 2nd! Get it now before it's too late!

Summer Lei CPR IS NOT SHUTTING DOWN, I REPEAT, CPR IS NOT SHUTTING DOWN <p><strong> For those of you who are planning a funeral, hold your horses because it's not closing. Want me to say that again in Spanish? Para aquellos de ustedes que están planeando un funeral, celebrar sus caballos porque no está cerrando. How about in French? Pour ceux d'entre vous qui planifient un enterrement, tenez vos chevaux car il ne se ferme pas. Mandarin Chinese? 对于那些计划葬礼的人来说,抱着你的马,因为它没有关闭。How about Germa...I THINK THAT'S ENOUGH TRANSLATING BECAUSE, like, you get it, right? You got enough brain cells to figure this out?? Thought so. Waddle on, folks!</strong><p> </body> </html>